TWID 09/07/2023
Small post with some housekeeping, and asking for feedback around PvP

PvP Strike Team
- The PvP strike team was announced recently by Joe Blackburn, with the goal of being a community driven team in Bungie delivering rapid improvements to PvP.
- They already have some short term changes coming, including a change in the patch today to give a high chance for non-adept trials weapons to drop from any trials match win.
- They are asking for feedback on PvP from all players, and give links to forums, Reddit, and Twitter as places for players to leave the feedback.
- One thing they are working on is a complete restructuring of the available playlists, to create clearer identities and purposes for each playlist. This includes everything from which modes and maps are present in each playlist, to matchmaking tuning, lobby balancing tweaks, and rotation details.
New Ritual Armor
- As promised, they are changing out the previous ritual armor set with a new set originally intended to be used for Eververse. See a preview of the armor below. This change is already live as of now.
- The Spoils of Conquest (Crota's End secret chest) triumph is bugged and impossible to complete at the moment, they will fix the issue in a coming update
- NOTE: it's not super clear if the issue is the third chest isn't spawning, or if there isn't a third chest.
- The TWAB has an interview with clan Elysium (Saltagreppo's group), as the winners of the day 1 raid race for Crota. Read the interview in the TWID itself, nothing to summarize there.
- There are 4 days left to donate toward the Hawaii wildfires and get an emblem and/or a shirt, check the offerings available here
Did we miss anything? Let us known on Twitter or in the #tips channel on our Discord.