TWID 07/20/2023
More dev insights are on the way!

New Dev Insight Blog Post
- Coming next week
- From the Economy team, covering updates to masterworking currencies and weapons coming to ritual activities next season.
Emblem Competition Winner
- Alex won the competition with their emblem "A Guardian's Notebook", shown below.
New Prime Gaming Rewards
- New rewards available, shown below, claim here
- Bungie has already met their goal of $777,777 donations in their Bungie Day donation campaign.
- Watch a message from Nolan North on the donation drive here
- Unwavering Duty's last weekend as an adept will be July 28, Exalted Truth's will be August 4. They are being removed from the loot pool and swapped with two new weapons next season.
- If you finish the Fuel for the Fire triumph before the event ends, you can buy Solstice sunglasses
Did we miss anything? Let us known on Twitter or in the #tips channel on our Discord.