TWID 04/11/2024
Details on Pantheon and The Final Shape HUD changes!

- Starts on April 30th
- Will be a gauntlet of raid bosses currently available in game (no sunset raids)
- There will be a few twists on how to approach them, they're being light on details.
- Pantheon will increase in size and difficulty each week, starting with 4 bosses and growing to 8 in a row by May 21.
- Each time a new boss is added, the modifiers change, and the power cap will reduce (starting at 5 power below, and ending at 20 below, equivalent to contest mode)
- As the difficulty goes up, the rewards go up as well.
- Adepts, Deepsight raid weapons, and exotic weapons.
- Some rewards are weekly, some are attached to pursuits or triumphs (like the 4 new emblems), many will depend on performance.
- There will be a timer, and completing the encounter before the timer is up will grant additional score and the best rewards.
- In The Final Shape, there will be two new areas where buffs can appear:
- The "Critical info channel" at the top center of the screen, right below the health bar
- The "Weapon channel" above the super meter.
- Critical info, such as wipe mechanics, roles (like in DSC), or other special activity mechanics will be placed in the Critical info channel at the top of the screen
- Weapon-related modifiers will show up in the weapon channel above the super bar.
- As part of the changes, they've made a pass over the priorities of the buffs, to make sure that the most important buffs always stay on screen.
- Buffs are now split into 4 priority categories, from most to least important.
- Activity information: Buffs that guide your play in an activity, should always be available (the most important buffs of these will be shown in the Critical info channel)
- Second-to-second gameplay choices: Buffs that are required to play your build effectively (like Armor Charge) or ability cooldowns (like Tangles)
- Short-to-medium-term gameplay choices: Subclass verbs, weapon damage buffs, or temporary ability bonuses like those from Aspects and Fragments
- Passive buffs for learning or confirming intuition: Ability regeneration buffs and temporary stat boosting buffs
Buff Appearance
- Buff icons are also getting another pass to increase readibility.
- All green buffs or red debuffs now have a thick line on the top or bottom of the icon respectively, to make them more identifiable for colorblind players.
- Subclass buffs/debuffs retain their diamond shape.
- Buff timers are now on the left side of the buff icon, making it easier to glance at them quickly.
Extra Buff Channel
- In the Final Shape gameplay preview, there was a third new buff channel shown on the right side of the screen that seemed to be used exclusiveuly for debuffs.
- They received feedback during development that this was uncomfortable, as player eyes were drawn to unfamiliar parts of the screen, so they decided it was too much change at once and removed it.
- They will be listening to player feedback on this, and may reconsider in the future.
Weapons Rotating Out
- Unexpected Resurgence Glaive: Out of rotation
- Cataphract GL3 Heavy Drum Grenade Launcher: Last week April 23
- The Messenger Pulse Rifle: Last week May 14
- Igneous Hammer Hand Cannon: Last week May 21
- Braytech Osprey Rocket Launcher: Last week April 9
- Loaded Question Fusion Rifle: Last week April 23
Iron Banner
- Jorum's Claw Pulse Rifle, Bite of the Fox Sniper Rifle, Pressurized Precision Fusion Rifle, Swarm of the Raven Heavy Grenade Launcher: Last week April 30
- There are many Into the Light wallpapers in the blog post itself, check them out there.
- In-game text chat and voice chat for fireteams has been changed to auto-join by default. This can still be disabled in the settings.
- Help Bungie raise money for the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Alaska and Western Washington, go to this link and cast votes for Team Bungie. Rewards are as follows:
- $10: Kilted Out shader
- $30: Above, and the new Heart of a Highlander emblem
- $50: Above, and a postcard designed by Bungie artist Amanda, signed by Christine, Mark, and Forrest.
- $100: Above, plus a digital copy of a new and unique piece of artwork by Mark Flieg
- $250: Above, plus a physical print of Mark's artwork.
Did we miss anything? Let us known in the #tips channel on our Discord.