TWID 02/01/2024
Joe is Joever, it's Tyson Time

Joe is Joever, it's Tyson Time
- As announced on Twitter, Joe will be stepping down as Game Director at the end of this month. Tyson Green will be replacing him, a long time Bungie employee who has been working as various levels of systems designer on Bungie games since as far back as Myth 2.
- Here's a quote from him in the TWID:
My time working with Bungie started with Myth II back in 1998 and has carried through almost every product we’ve released since. I’ve been pleased to be a part of Destiny from essentially the beginning, from early days introducing loot to our shooter culture, to more recent days guiding the brilliant teams responsible for the breadth of Destiny’s core systems: reward, combat, activity, social, and commerce systems.
Joe has always brought a lot of energy and creative vigor to the team, and it has been a pleasure to work on Destiny with him as a teammate and a friend. I expect we’re going to miss him terribly. To step into his role is humbling, but also energizing, and I look forward to carrying on his work in service to our players and our team.
My passion as a developer has always been to build the supports around which a community can grow. I came to Bungie from the fan community and aspire to build things that players can share as common interests. From Halo 3’s Forge and File Share systems to Destiny’s Buildcrafting and Fireteam Finder, I am proudest of the things that bring our community together in collaboration. I look forward to more such opportunities in The Final Shape and the years of Destiny beyond.
Fireteam Finder
Incoming Improvements
- Bungie has already been working on improving Fireteam Finder since it was added, fixing numerous bugs.
- In a future update, players will be able to use the Destiny 2 mobile companion app to create and join fireteam finder lobbies.
- Also coming in the "near future" are other improvements such as lobby voice chat, friend invites to fireteam finder lobbies, improved menu flow, better feedback when applying to lobbies, and the roster will fit 12 guardians in the "nearby" column again.
- The top three activities Fireteam Finder is used for are Dungeons (32%), Strikes (32%), and Raids (23%).
- The following are completion rates and completion times for raids and dungeons through fireteam finder:
- Raids
- Root of Nightmares: 44%, 60 mins
- Deep Stone Crypt: 40%, 52 mins
- Garden of Salvation: 31%, 48 mins
- Vault of Glass: 29%, 51 mins
- Crota's End: 28%, 59 mins
- King's Fall: 25%, 66 mins
- Vow of the Disciple: 24%, 49 mins
- Last Wish: 24%, 59 mins
- Dungeons
- Spire of the Watcher: 75%, 47 mins
- Warlord's Ruin: 68%, 63 mins
- The Shattered Throne: 67%, 41 mins
- Pit of Heresy: 66%, 37 mins
- Prophecy: 59%, 40 mins
- Duality: 59%, 47 mins
- Ghosts of the Deep: 56%, 64 mins
- Grasp of Avarice: 50%, 42 mins
The Coil Shard Drop Rate
- Early in the season Bungie promised to increase the drop rate of shards in The Coil after initial rates of platinum completions were around 35-50%, much lower than they wanted.
- After the first week though, those rates rose to 70-85%, half of those without killing the Glass Collector. This was close enough so they deprioritized the increase to shard drop rates.
- However, they want more players to be able to reach the platinum tier and got the huge amount of drops that come with it. So they are raising the shard drop rates for defeating enemies on February 6.
- The fix for the final radio message not counting was a pre-emptive fix for when the final radio message goes live later in the season
- finale when? 👀
- Next week Nightfalls will give double reputation and double Uzume RR4 drops.
- Relic will be the back for four weeks starting next Tuesday (2/6/2024)
- Bungie has released the promised emblem after the destiny community killed 7,777,777 with swords. The emblem code is 9FY-KDD-PRT, and is shown below.
- Mass Effect cosmetics are on their way to Destiny on February 13. The armor cosmetics, finisher, and exotic emote will be paid cosmetics, but the ship, sparrow, and ghost shell will all be free.
- More cutscenes were added to the YouTube archive: Season of the Forge, Season of the Drifter, Beyond Light, Season of the Witch.
- New Prime Gaming rewards are available, see those below:
Did we miss anything? Let us known in the #tips channel on our Discord.