TWAB - 02/23/2023
Difficulty blog clarifications, Crucible changes, Artifact perks, and more!

Challenge Blog Clarifications
- They realized they left some stuff out of the "Bringing Challenge Back to Destiny" blog post, so they went back and updated it with the missing content. NOTE: We've included the new info below, and updated our original article as well.
Burns vs Surge/Threat/Overcharge
- Acute Burns are being replaced by the new surge, threat, and overcharge system
- Where an acute burn is being used now, in Lightfall it will be replaced by two Surges, one Threat, and Overcharges (one to two per activity, as well as any selectable anti-champion weapons from the artifact).
Master Raids
- Well, they still don't explicitly say that master raids will have a -20 differential like other Master mode content, but they mention that not utilizing surges/overcharges at all will result in a "day one raid-like combat difficulty", and contest mode is a -20 power differential, so it's very likely Master Raids will have that applied.
Nightfall Rewards
- Hero:
- Old
- Small change of up to two Enhancement Prisms
- One Enhancement Core and a small chance of up to two more.
- New
- One Enhancement Prism and a medium chance at one more
- Two Enhancement Cores a medium chance of one more.
- Old
- Legend:
- Old
- One Enhancement Prism and a small chance at up to two more.
- New
- Small chance of one Ascendant Shard
- Two Enhancement Prisms and a medium chance of up to two more.
- Old
- Master:
- Old
- Medium chance of one Ascendant Shard
- Two prisms and a small chance of up to two more.
- New
- One Ascendant Shard and a small chance of one more
- Two Enhancement Prisms and a **medium **chance of up to two more.
- Old
- Grandmaster:
- Old
- One Ascendant Shard and a medium chance of one more
- Four Enhancement Prisms and a medium chance of up to two more
- New
- One ascendant Shard and a high chance of one more
- Four Enhancement Prisms and a medium chance of up to two more
- Old
Lost Sector Rewards
- Legend
- Old
- Small chance of one Enhancement Core
- New
- Two Enhancement Cores and a medium chance of one more
- One Enhancement Prism and a small chance of one more
- Old
- Master
- Old
- Small chance of one Enhancement Core.
- New
- Two Enhancement Cores and a medium chance of one more.
- One Enhancement Prism and a small chance of one more.
- Old
Lightfall Crucible Changes
- They will have a blog post later in the Lightfall season outlining bigger changes to playlists, adjustments to competitive progression and rewards, and matchmaking changes.
- Competitive Freelance is being removed, as they feel fireteam matchmaking is solving the problem better than freelance did.
Competitive QOL Changes
- You can now place in platinum if you were Adept or Ascendant in the previous season.
- Mode and Map Weighting
- They are lowering how often Rift and Showdown come up in the comp playlist. Survival should show up roughly 2/3 of the time, and Rift and Showdown splitting the last 1/3 (e.g. 1/6 for each of them).
- They also adjusted map weightings for Showdown so maps that are poor for the mode don't show up as much.
- Javelin-4, Endless Vale, and Alter of Flame will show up more in the competitive playlist. Disjunction and Cathedral of Dusk are removed from the comp playlist entirely.
- They are lowering how often Rift and Showdown come up in the comp playlist. Survival should show up roughly 2/3 of the time, and Rift and Showdown splitting the last 1/3 (e.g. 1/6 for each of them).
- You will now be able to gild the Glorious (crucible comp) title by reaching Adept, as well as a number of other Crucible triumphs.
- It's a popular strategy to run a good neutral game exotic armor, and then switch to a super enhancing exotic armor (or other active effect) when needed. Bungie doesn't think this is good for the flow of Crucible, and isn't an interesting way to gain an advantage, so they're adding a new modifier "Notswap" to the Comp and Trials playlists.
- When Notswap is enabled, switching exotic armor during a match will remove all ability energy stored, as if you had swapped your subclass.
- They will monitor feedback around this change after it rolls out.
- There is no current plan to bring it to other Gambit, Crucible, or PvE modes.
- PvE already has equipment lock, which serves the same purpose.
Artifact Perks
- Column 1
- Anti-Barrier Sidearms - Your equipped Sidearms fire shield-piercing rounds and stun Barrier Champions. Additionally, Sidearms are always Overcharged when that modifier is active.
- Anti-Barrier Pulse Rifles - Your equipped Pulse Rifles fire shield-piercing rounds and stun Barrier Champions. Additionally, Pulse Rifles are always Overcharged when that modifier is active.
- Overload Bows - Damage by fully drawn arrows from your equipped Bows disrupts combatants, stunning the target, delaying ability energy regeneration, and lowering combatant damage output. Strong against Overload Champions. Additionally, Bows are always Overcharged when that modifier is active.
- Unstoppable Scout Rifles - Aiming down the sights of a Scout Rifle for a short time loads a powerful explosive payload that stuns unshielded combatants. Strong against Unstoppable Champions. Additionally, Scout Rifles are always Overcharged when that modifier is active.
- Automatics Overload - Sustained fire from Auto Rifles and Submachine Guns disrupts combatants, stunning them, delaying ability energy regeneration, and lowering combatant damage output. Strong against Overload Champions. Additionally, Auto Rifles and Submachine Guns are always Overcharged when that modifier is active.
- Column 2
- Authorized Mods: Solar - The armor energy costs of all armor mods affecting your Solar weapons are significantly discounted.
- Authorized Mods: Strand - The armor energy costs of all armor mods affecting your Strand weapons are significantly discounted.
- Authorized Mods: Void - The armor energy costs of all armor mods affecting your Void weapons are significantly discounted.
- Authorized Mods: Grenades - The armor energy costs of all armor mods affecting your grenades are significantly discounted.
- Multi-Siphon Mods - The armor energy costs of all armor mods affecting your grenades are significantly discounted.
- Column 3
- Shatter Orbs - The first time you break a combatant's shield, you create an Orb of Power if you break the shield with the matching damage type.
- Defiant Armory - Greatly improves the benefits provided by the Noble Deeds, Nanotech Tracer Rockets, Tex Balanced Stock, and Ambush Origin traits.
- NOTE: We haven't seen the Noble Deeds origin trait yet, and we know that Nanotech Tracer Rockets is the Lightfall origin trait, so Noble Deeds is likely the seasonal weapon origin trait.
- Untangler - Destroying a Tangle with a Strand weapon suspends targets damaged by the explosion.
- Solar Surge - Collecting a Firesprite gives you Armor Charge.
- Volatile Flow - Picking up an Orb of Power grants your Void weapons Volatile Rounds.
- Column 4
- Bricks from Beyond - Defeating a powerful combatant with a Void weapon has a chance to generate Heavy ammo for you and your teammates.
- Flare Up - Firebolt Grenades apply more Scorch stacks. Damaging a combatant with a Firebolt Grenade spawns a Firesprite near them.
- Origin Hones - Weapons with the Noble Deeds, Nanotracing Rockets, Tex Balanced Stock, and Ambush Origin traits are always Overcharged when that modifier is active.
- Allied Unraveling - Rapid final blows with a Strand weapon grant your weapon Unraveling Rounds, with a longer duration near allies.
- Counterweave - When you or a member of your fireteam stuns or defeats a Champion, you gain energy for your least-charged Strand ability.
- Column 5
- Stranded Reach - Destroying a Tangle with a Strand weapon creates a larger and more damaging explosion.
- Rain of Firebolts - When you have Firebolt Grenades equipped, gain a second grenade charge.
- Void Weapons Channeling - You gain a temporary bonus to Void weapon damage after you defeat a target with a Void weapon while at least one of your Void abilities is fully charged. This damage bonus increases based on the number of fully charged Void abilities you have.
- Medieval Champion - Glaives you wield fire a powerful explosive payload that stuns unshielded combatants. Strong against Unstoppable Champions. Additionally, Glaives are always Overcharged when that modifier is active. Landing consecutive hits with a Sword disrupts combatants, stunning them, delaying ability energy regeneration, and lowering combatant damage output. Strong against Overload Champions. Additionally, Swords are always Overcharged when that modifier is active.
- Prismatic Transfer - When you cast your Super, each member of your fireteam with a subclass damage type different than yours gains a bonus to weapon damage.
Stunning Champions
- With the new changes, these are the new possible ways to stun champions available in the game:
- Use an Exotic with an anti-Champion intrinsic perk (e.g. Eriana's Vow, Divinity, Leviahtan's Breath)
- Use weapons that have an anti-Champion artifact perk active.
- Use subclass verbs
- Barrier champions: radiant, volatile rounds, and unraveling rounds.
- NOTE: This is the first we've heard of unraveling rounds, seems like unravel will be applied in a very similar way to volatile.
- Overload champions: jolt, suppression, and slow. Unstoppable champions: ignite, blind, shatter, and suspend
- Barrier champions: radiant, volatile rounds, and unraveling rounds.
- Damage can't do multiple types of stun at once.
- Shooting a gun with chill clip, while radiant, will only pierce Barrier Champions, it won't stun Overloads.
- Exotics with an intrinsic anti-Champion perk can't be used with any other champion types (e.g. using an exotic with unstoppable rounds, while radiant, won't make the exotic pierce Barrier).
- There is one exception to this, if an exotic causes an ignition by way of building up scorch, it will still stun unstoppables.
Legend Campaign Changes
- They reduced the health scalar on combatants for larger fireteam sizes.
- They hope this better balances solo and fireteam play compared to The Witch Queen
- NOTE: it was generally accepted that completing The Witch Queen campaign solo was easier than in a group of three)
- The damage required to stagger champions is reduced in the Lightfall campaign
- The campaign will still be plenty hard.
Free to Try The Witch Queen
- From now until February 27th 9AM PST (February 26 11:59PM PST for Xbox), The Witch Queen Standard Edition is free to all players
- Xbox must claim The Witch Queen on the Xbox store to access. All other platforms automatically have access.
- Any gear and exotics you earn while playing can be kept after the free trial is over.
- Any Prime Gaming rewards not picked up from Amanda Holliday by the 27th will be deleted. Pick them up, or they're gone forever.
- Destiny 2 will go down for 24 hour maintenance on February 27th, 9AM PST.
- At the time it goes down, the Lightfall preload will become available.
- Required size to preload by platform:
- PS5: 102.6GB
- Xbox Series X/S: 108.59GB
- PS4: 184.64GB
- Xbox One: 89.21 GB
- Steam: 233.2GB
- Epic Games Store: 223.3GB
- Microsoft Store: 102.13GB
- When Lightfall launches, the Legacy Collection bundle will be updated. The Forsaken Pack will be split off into its own separate purchase, and The Witch Queen will be added to the Legacy Collection. No mention of whether the price will change.
Did we miss anything? Let us known on Twitter or in the #tips channel on our Discord.