PC Gamer Strand Interview
Additional context to the Strand announcements this morning

This post summarizes the most relevant or interesting/fun info from the interview, but the interview itself is a good read if you're interested in the development of Destiny 2, so check it out! Here's the link.
NOTE: This interview implies that Bungie is planning on nerfing Well of Radiance. This was confirmed on twitter by Kevin Yanes to not be true.
- Strand will mostly be unlocked by the end of the campaign* More aspects and fragments will be added throughout the Lightfall seasons
- Will stand "toe-to-toe with existing powers"
- Strand is intended to be high APM (actions per minute), play completely differently to other existing subclasses.
- Tangles are meant to be a sort of replacement for Warmind Cells.
- Warlock and Titan get three melee charges
- They expect the hunter refreshing grapple melee to lead to some situations letting players skip or exploit parkour sections, mechanics, etc.
- They want players with mastery of Strand to "feel like they're almost cheating"
- They're a bit scared of the potential
- Hunters do a gainer backflip when using their Ensnaring Slam ability
- They've attempted to keep Strand more under control in PvP than Stasis launch. They're happy with how it seems right now, but of course that might shift after launch.
- The team is aware of roaming supers being weaker in comparison to the burst/dps focused supers. They tried to balance Strand roaming supers to be powerful enough by themselves, but they also say they plan on buffing roaming supers in PvE, so they can compete with one-off supers. Specifically looking at damage output and orb generation
- They're trying to get the community prepared for supers that aren't just "it just kills everything", where supers have specific roles and can help a team comp.
- One iteration of the Warlock strand super that was tested turned you into a spider, launching spider eggs and spider babies running around. It was tossed, because turning the warlock into something with eight-legs wasn't possible for the super.
Did we miss anything? Let us known on Twitter.