Into the Light Stream 3
Whisper and Zero Hour are coming back, Map Pack preview, and a ton of extra goodies!

Exotic Missions Returning
- Whisper and Zero Hour will be coming back, featuring crafted versions of Whisper of the Worm and Outbreak Perfected
- Secrets and chests have been shuffled around, will need to find them again
- On normal difficulty, the missions have 40 minute timers to be more accessible.
- On legend difficulty, which is where most of the missions and quests will be located, the timer is 20 minutes.
- Boss fights seem to be different somehow, but they're not explicit about how
- New ships are being made for both missions
- Whisper will be released with Into the Light, Zero Hour will be released in May
Craftable Whisper and Outbreak
- 3rd column perks for the craftable weapons will drop from a 3 week quest completable in legend mode, instead of unlocking with just weapon levels.
- The catalyst for the exotics will drop from the legendary difficulty
- Reserves are going from 18 to 24
- Barrel and Magazine are selectable
- Stock perks are also available
- 3rd column is Mulligan, Field Prep, No Distractions, Eddy Current
- The only catalyst option is Whispered Breathing
Outbreak Perfected
- Also has Barrel, Magazine, and Stock perks
- 3rd column is Outlaw, Rapid Hit, Rewind Rounds, Headseeker
- 4th column is only Parasitism
- The only catalyst option is Disease Vector
Map Pack
- The maps are focused on working well in competitive, "sweaty" environments
- When released, there will be a playlist to play just those maps
- On Europa is "Eventide Labs"
- On Neomuna is "Cirrus Plaza"
- On the terraformed pyramid ship is "Dissonance"
- I can't really summarize in text the maps, so check out the stream itself at the timestamp linked here for a preview.
- Pantheon is a "raid boss gauntlet" starting on April 30th.
- Weekly challenge with escalating difficulty and rewards
- Chance to earn exotics, adept weapons, emblems you may not have earned yet
- More info coming in an upcoming TWID
- There will be a title attached to Into the Light, "Brave"
- You'll now be able to skip the game tutorial on April 9
- You'll have the choice of subclass to be granted after skipping the tutorial, from any of the light subclasses.
- Character editing is coming on April 9
- One more name change will be granted on April 9
- There will be a gameplay preview for The Final Shape on April 9, 9:30 AM PST
Did we miss anything? Let us known in the #tips channel on our Discord.