Inside Strand
Green, mean, movement machine

Before reading through, check out the new Strand trailer to see the mechanics outlined here in action: Trailer (also check out a strand SMG at 0:07)
Strand Verbs
- Suspend: A suspended PvE enemy is lifted off the ground for a brief duration and is essentially disabled. In PvP, suspended players are lifted off the ground but can still move (albeit slowly) and fire their weapon to fight back.
- Unravel: Attacking an unraveled enemy will cause threads to burst out of the target and attack other nearby targets. Once hit, that target will also become unraveled.
- Sever: A severed enemy is less capable of affecting the material world, reducing their damage output as a result.
- Woven Mail: With this ability, the Guardian is sheathed in a protective mesh of Strand matter, reducing incoming damage. Note that in PvP, Woven Mail will only reduce damage taken on the body; head damage and melee damage will continue as normal.
- Created when a Strand-debuffed enemy is defeated, which explode when shot, causing area damage to nearby enemies.
- Guardians can also pick up Tangles and throw them, causing them to explode on impact.
- Three shared with each class
- Grapple
- Cast by using your grenade
- Hooks onto an anchor point, including points in thin air.
- Guardians can melee during or at the end of a grapple, known as a "grapple melee", which will deal bonus damage, unravel an enemy, and push them backwards
- Threadling grenade: splits into three projectiles that weave into Threadlings upon impact.
- Shackle grenade: acts as a bola, detonating in a suspending blast and sending out smaller secondary bolas to suspend nearby enemies.
Warlock Broodweaver
- Threadlings are a focus of the Warlock Strand class. Other classes can make them, but they have additional mechanics on Warlock.
- Normally, threadlings spawn, target an enemy, jump on them and explode. If a Warlock makes them, and there is no available enemy to target, they will run back to the warlock and orbit them (called "perching"). If an enemy is targeted by the Warlock, any perching threadlings will target that enemy and attack them as usual.
- Melee: Arcane Needle: A deadly projectile which tracks targets, causing high damage and unraveling them upon impact. Can be quickly chained three times in a row.
- Two aspects:
- Weaver's Call: On Rift cast, the Warlock weaves three Threadling eggs, which hatch into Threadlings when they hit a surface. Any perched Threadlings are converted to additional eggs.
- Mindspun Invocation: This aspect improves several of the Warlocks abilities:
- Grapple: When you execute a grapple melee, the Warlock weaves three Threadling eggs from the target
- Threadling Grenade: You can consume your Threadling Grenade to generate a full complement of perched Threadlings.
- Shackle Grenade: You can consume your Shackle Grenade to gain a buff, creating a suspending detonation on every kill.
- Super: Needlestorm: On cast, creates hardened spike projectiles, and launches them forward. The missiles stick onto enemies and the environment, before detonating and turning into Threadlings.
Hunter Threadrunner
- Focused on movement and speed
- Melee: Threaded Spike: the Hunter hurls a rope dart that bounces between enemies, damaging and severing them before returning to the Hunter. When it returns, it grants melee energy for each enemy hit. Hunters have to catch the rope dart by pressing the melee input button again at the right time.
- Two aspects:
- Ensnaring Slam: While in the air, press the air-move input to slam downward, suspending all nearby enemies.
- Widow’s Silk: This Aspect grants an additional grenade charge. The Hunter’s grapple ability creates a persistent grapple Tangle when it latches, which fully refunds grenade energy when grappled to. Hunters can use this ability to set up chains of grapple points that their entire team can use, greatly enhancing their ability to quickly move around in combat and/or traverse the environment
- Super: Silkstrike: When activated, the Hunter uses their grapple to move through the world in third-person, while throwing their rope dart to strike down enemies. Hunters can grapple more often in their super, and the rope dart has a light and heavy attack. The light attack is meant for single enemies, and can be used in air or on the ground. When on the ground, the attack can be chained endlessly. Hitting an enemy with the tip of the dart deals bonus damage, and defeating an enemy with it causes the enemy to explode. The heavy attack has the Hunter swing the rope dart around in a 360-degree arc, damaging all nearby enemies. This also can be used in air or on the ground.
Titan Berserker
- Maximum carnage, sever and kill enemies en masse.
- Melee: Frenzied Blade: The Titan dashes forward and slashes at enemies with Strand arm blades, severing targets. This ability has three charges, so it can be chained three times.
- Two aspects:
- Into the Fray: Destroying a Tangle weaves Woven Mail unto the Titan and nearby allies. In addition to reducing damage taken, this Aspect also increases the Titan’s melee energy regeneration while wearing Woven Mail.
- Drengr’s Lash: When the Titan casts their class ability, the Titan will blast forward a powerful ripple in reality, suspending enemies that are caught in the shockwave’s path
- Super: Bladefury: Roaming super where the Titan wields two fist blades. The light attack is a stronger version of the Frenzied Blade melee, and each light attack that connects increases the next attack's speed (tops out after 3 hits). In addition, light attacks builds energy for the heavy attack. The heavy attack hurts a pair of projectiles forward that seek enemies, then suspend and damage them.
Fragment preview
- Thread of Ascent: Activating your grenade ability reloads your equipped weapon and grants increased weapon handling and airborne effectiveness for a short time.
- Thread of Fury: Damaging targets with a Tangle grants melee energy.
- Thread of Finality: Finishers generate Threadlings
- Thread of Warding: Picking up an orb of power grants Woven Mail
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