Developer Insights: Economy and Rewards Update
Small but impactful changes to masterwork materials and ritual weapon drop rates.

Ritual Rewards Changes
- They know from player feedback that the cadence of drops for recently added weapons in ritual activities is inconsistent.
- In Season 22 those ritual engrams will be more likely to drop from completion of activities in ritual playlists.
- Additionally, new ritual weapons will be able to be focused at their respective vendors immediately, instead of the season after they are added.
Season 22 Weapon Rewards
- Crucible: Unending Tempest, Stasis Submachine Gun
- Strikes: Luna Regolith III, Solar Sniper Rifle
- Gambit: Qua Xaphan V, Void Machine Gun
- Nightfall:
- Warden's Law, Kinetic Hand Cannon
- Holless-IV, Solar Precision Bow
- Iron Banner
- The Guiding Sight, Strand Scout Rifle
- Point of the Stag, Arc Bow
- Trials of Osiris
- Igneous Hammer, Solar Hand Cannon
- Cataphract GL3, Strand Heavy Grenade Launcher
- They are bringing back a certain type of Hand Cannon (Warden's Law) and actually making it a new archetype, which was alluded to in a previous developer insights article.
- They will have more info to share tomorrow
Masterwork Material Caps
- Currently, masteworking materials can be stored at the Postmaster if not picked up in activities. This leads to the unfortunate possibility of players' postmasters filling up and knocking those mats out of the postmaster.
- To alleviate these issues, they are making two changes:
- The following masterworking materials have had their caps raised: Ascendant Shard 10 -> 30, Ascendant Alloy 10 -> 30, Enhancement Prism 50 -> 100.
- These currencies will no longer go to the postmaster if their stacks are full in their inventory.
- Any stacks of currency currently in postmasters will not be removed, only new drops will be prevented from being added.
- Less than 1% of players hold more currencies in their postmasters than the new currency caps would allow to be held.
Did we miss anything? Let us known on Twitter or in the #tips channel on our Discord.